750 rubfor lessonExperience: 2 (years)Student's age: 15 - 60Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeTutor details: Свободно владею английским, испанским, португальским и русским языками. Опыт с...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1300 rubfor lessonExperience: 10 (years)Student's age: 7 - 70Education: Higher education, МГУ имени Н.П.Огарева (2001-2007)Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationTutor details: Жила и училась в Англии, работала в Америке. Имею большой...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home7 - 7060 minНе доступно1500rub1500rub2000rub
800 rubfor lessonExperience: 3 (years)Student's age: 7 - 50Education format: At student's homeSubjects: English languageTutor details: Ищу ученика с 1 по 8 класс, а также взрослых....Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonStudent's age: 4 - 70Education format: Skype, At student's homeEducation level:Subjects: English language Chemistry Journalism Russian as a foreign... творческое письмо Музыка Масс-медиа Reading Russian literatureTutor details: Обучаю английскому языку людей с разным уровнем владения языка, также...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home4 - 7050 minНе доступно750rubнет1000rub
2500 rubfor lessonExperience: 10 (years)Student's age: 20 - 60Education format: At student's homeTutor details: Профессиональный педагог по Общему и Деловому английскому языку. Выпускник Кэмбриджской...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home20 - 6050 minНе доступнонетнет2500rub
700 rubfor lessonExperience: 4 (years)Student's age: 10+Education format: Home, At student's homeEducation level:Subjects: English languageTutor details: Добрый день! Меня зовут Анастасия. Я репетитор по английскому языку...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 3 (years)Student's age: 5 - 60Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home5 - 1250 minНе доступно500rub500rub600rub3 - 6050 minНе доступно600rub600rub700rub
2000 rubfor lessonStudent's age: 9 - 50Education format: Home, At student's homeEducation level:Subjects: English languageFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's homeПодготовка к IELTS, TOEFL, ОГЭ, ЕГЭ, выезд зарубеж, составление деловой корреспонденции
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 6 (years)Student's age: 5 - 60Education: Higher education, МГЛУ (2011-2015)Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparationTutor details: Занимаюсь репетиторской деятельностью уже больше пяти лет. Проводя занятия с...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
800 rubfor lessonStudent's age: 4 - 65Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level:Subjects: English languageFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
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