1900 rubfor lessonExperience: 20 (years)Student's age: 7 - 18Education: Higher education, МГПИ им. Ленина, МГЛИ (1993-1999)Education format: Home, At student's homeTutor details: Готовлю к успешной сдаче ОГЭ, ЕГЭ по английскому языку и...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 5 (years)Student's age: 7 - 90Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationSubjects: Английский язык. Уро... Английский язык. Нач... Английский язык для... Авиационный английск... Подготовка к IELTS Подготовка к ЕГЭ Английский язык любо... Английский язык для... English language Russian as a foreign... Английский язык. Уро... Подготовка к ОГЭTutor details: Приветствую Вас! Меня зовут Мария. Большую часть своей жизни я...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home7 - 9060 minНе доступно500rub500rubнет7 - 9060 minНе доступно500rub500rubнет7 - 9060 minНе доступно500rub500rubнет7 - 9060 minНе доступно500rub500rubнет
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 20 (years)Student's age: 20 - 80Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparationSubjects: Подготовка к ЕГЭ IELTS preparation Подготовка к Toefl Preparation for CAE... English languageTutor details: Меня зовут Сергей Бабич. Я преподаю с 1990 г. Через...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home13 - 8060 minНе доступно500rub1000rub1000rub
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 11 (years)Student's age: 17 - 70Education: Higher education, ГОУ "Оренбургский Государственный Университет" (2002-2007)Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationSubjects: English language Английский язык любо... Английский язык для... Английский язык для... Английский язык. Нач...Tutor details: - Общий стаж преподавательской деятельности 11 лет ; - 2...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
700 rubfor lessonExperience: 5 (years)Student's age: 14 - 19Education: Higher education, University of Birmingham (2011-2016)Education format: Home, Skype, At student's homeEducation level: Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationTutor details: Индивидуальный подход. Предоставление обучающих материалов. Подготовка к IELTS.Основные направления в...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
2500 rubfor lessonExperience: 10 (years)Student's age: 15 - 100Education format: Skype, HomeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparationSubjects: Подготовка к ЕГЭ English language Подготовка к ОГЭ IELTS preparation Preparation for CAE... Английский для прогр... Professional Busines... Подготовка к ToeflTutor details: Здравствуйте! Разрешите рассказать немного о себе. Я закончила педагогический университет...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 19 (years)Student's age: 7 - 65Education: Higher education, МГУ (1992-1997)Education format: Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparationTutor details: Профессиональный преподаватель, образование: МГУ филологический ф-т, ВАВТ межд. экономика, индивидуальный...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home7 - 6550 minНе доступнонет2000rub500rubПрограммы: разг. практика, подг. к ЕГЭ, ОГЭ, TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE, PET, KET, BEC, собеседованию, в ВУЗы, межд. школы и университеты, устранение пробелов, преодоление языкового барьера, бизнес ( переписка, маркетинг, финансы, менеджмент, логистика, экономика, переговоры, банк, туризм, бухучет, юриспруденция), для путешествий, помощь школьникам и студентам, консультации.
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 3 (years)Student's age: 7 - 70Education: Higher education, МГУ им. М.В, Ломоносова (2013-2017)Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationSubjects: Russian language World literature Russian literature Russian as a foreign... English languageFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home7 - 7050 minНе доступно500rub800rub1000rub
1500 rubfor lessonExperience: 9 (years)Student's age: 5 - 99Education: Higher education, The University of Arizona (2003-2007)Education format: Home, At student's homeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationTutor details: Носитель английского языка, опыт работы более 9 лет. Работаю с...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 15 (years)Student's age: 3 - 55Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeLocation: country#251Education level: University preparation Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Добрый день! Мы Юрий и Вера, преподаватели английского языка. Мы...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
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