600 rubfor lessonExperience: 6 (years)Education: Higher education, University of Essex, UK (2014-2016)Education format: SkypeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation School preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Предлагаю ученикам активные и интересные занятия по практическому освоению английского...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
800 rubfor lessonExperience: 11 (years)Student's age: 12 - 60Education format: At student's homeEducation level: University preparation Middle School Professional courses Exam preparation EGE preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Имею 10-летний опыт ведения индивидуальных занятий с выездом к ученику....Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 4 (years)Student's age: 16 - 28Education format: Home, At student's homeSubjects: English languageTutor details: Разговорный английский для студентов и учеников старших классов. Обучение в...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 7 (years)Student's age: 6 - 50Education format: Skype, HomeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation School preparationTutor details: Магистр иностранной филологии (английский, французский, испанский). Опыт работы репетитором -...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonExperience: 14 (years)Student's age: 6 - 100Education: Higher education, МГЛУ им Мориса Тореза (1991-1996). Higher education, МГЛУ им Мориса Тореза (1991-1996)Education format: Home, At student's home, SkypeEducation level: Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation School preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Авторская методика в преподавании языка. Общий стаж более 15 лет....Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 2 (years)Student's age: 16 - 18Education format: At student's homeTutor details: Являюсь студенткой 3 курса Московского Педагогического Государственного Университета направления журналистики...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's homeЗанятия час - 800 рублей. Полтора часа - 1000 рублей.Занятия час - 800 рублей. Полтора часа - 1000 рублей.
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 5 (years)Student's age: 5 - 15Education format: Home, At student's homeSubjects: English languageTutor details: Наличие собственной авторской методики, построенной на принципах мнемотехники Ш.Амонашвили, развивающего...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
2000 rubfor lessonExperience: 27 (years)Student's age: 10 - 45Education format: At student's homeSubjects: English languageTutor details: Опытный преподаватель, кандидат наук, имею международные сертификаты по методике преподавания...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 20 (years)Student's age: 10 - 70Education format: HomeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Exam preparation EGE preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Современные коммуникативные методики обученияFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
1000 rubfor lessonExperience: 4 (years)Student's age: 4 - 70Education format: At student's home, HomeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparationTutor details: Buenos días and Hello всем! С удовольствием помогу всем желающим...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
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