30 usdfor lessonExperience: 27 (years)Student's age: 16 - 50Education: Higher education, Киевский Государственный Университет им. Т.Г.Шевченко (1987-1992)Education format: Skype, Home, At student's homeEducation level: University preparation Middle School Professional courses Exam preparation EGE preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Закончил КГУ им.Т.Г Шевченко, ф-т романо-германской филологии, переводческое отделение, г....Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's homeПодготовка к ЗНОГрамматика - Beginner - Advanced, Listening, SpeakinПодготовка к собеседованию (Посольство или какая-либо компания)Английский для ITПодготовка к IELTS, TOEFL
120 uahfor lessonExperience: 15 (years)Student's age: 7 - 80Education format: SkypeEducation level: University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation School preparationTutor details: носитель английского и арабского языка. дипломированный преподаватель.долгое время проживал и...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's homeанглийский с нуля, для студентов, разговорный ,для работы.
300 uahfor lessonExperience: 10 (years)Student's age: 3 - 70Education format: Skype, HomeEducation level: Higher education University preparation Middle School Professional courses Elementary school (classes) Exam preparation EGE preparation School preparationSubjects: English languageTutor details: Преподаватель университета, окончила аспирантуру специальность: 10.02.04 – германские языки, написала...Full informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
SubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's homeBussiness English, English grammar, Spoken English, English for students etc
SubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home
500 rubfor lessonStudent's age: 12 - 60Education format: Skype, HomeEducation level:Subjects: Advanced mathematics Mathematical analysi... Mathematics for busi... Mathematics Physics Chemistry Exact scienceFull informationSubjectsAgeDurationCostMini-groupSkypeHomeAt student's home12 - 6060 min600rub600rubнет
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